Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Your presence in my life,
It brings out the best in me,
Your presence in my life,
Lets me know and makes me sure
of God's love and mercy,
Sure of life and its beauty,
As much as I hate its complications,
The occasional feeling of one sidedness,
I trust the light that it comes from,
I could never deny it,
leave it,
hate it.

It is what it is,
I blame you for it,
I love you for it,
I allowed myself to feel it,
To fall for it,
I forgive myself for its so called stupidity,
It is what it is.

For as long as God says it is
Till he makes it stop,
Until he takes me and these feelings away,
For as long as you want it to be,
I will be around ,
I will be there.
That soldier,
That lover,
That sister,

Kuala Lumpur
April 18, 2014

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