Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thank You

Dear God I thank you
I thank you for this screwed up life you have given me
I thank you

I was not suppose to be born
but here I am anyways...
broken inside
I thank you

You send me them
I live in love
I am belittled
I am different
I am weird
They make me feel small
They don't see me
They don't respect me
I am not me....
and they expect me to love and respect them
Thank you God

Thank you for the hurt
Thank you for the anger
Thank you for the sadness,tears
Thank you for the frustration

Thank you for sending me to my love and joy and taking it back from me
Thank you for sending me, and making me feel the love and only to be told I can never have it... only in my dreams

Thank you
And now little 'ol me is expected to hold on to love faith and hope
when all I am surrounded with is chains and limitations
Thank you

Now you can have back this life you have given me
I thank you

Kuala Lumpur
August 17, 2011

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