Friday, April 8, 2011

Forgive Me

Forgive me
that I am human
That dear God, It take a lot sometimes for me,
that I do get sad,
I do get get angry
that I don't feel that I deserve the things that happens to me
That sometimes I don't always understand your plan, your reasons
But I do love you
I trust you
I always strive to do and be better

Forgive me Mama and papa,
that have had enough
enough of that feeling less then
enough of that expectations
what you think a good daughter should be
sorry that I am not cut in your mold
that you can't love,understand,accept unconditionally and be happy
I don 't want to be you
I want to be better
be happy
find my bliss
find my joy

Forgive me dear sister
that you feel that I am not a good enough older sister for you
that we are two different people but asked to fit in

Forgive me that I hurt
that I hurt
the scars are there
that I refuse to live this way
that you call me ungrateful
just because,
that I have the brains
that I try to say my peace
that give up telling them because they are not heard

I am who I am
Forgive me

I rise

When I don't know what else to do
What else to say

Forgive me,
I am sorry
that I am human
that I hurt
I bleed
I get angry
that sometimes It's just to much
that it takes every ounce of me to live ,breathe and love

but.. I rise

Kuala Lumpur
April 8,2011

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