Saturday, March 7, 2015

It's Not You Anymore

I remember that little girl,

She told you she loved you,

She told you she needed you,

She said she needed more time with you,

She told you how she felt,

You mocked her, , said all this childish silliness,

Never once did you acknowledge how that little girl felt

Never did she blame you,

She knew you only did what you knew how to,

You loved her the little that you knew,

She is done,

Not caring much anymore,

Done with not feeling not worthy,

Done searching what it means to feel love and safe,

Done asking you for that...

You don't have her heart anymore,

She knows....

You only did and know what you know....

You hurt her,

She is healing

It's not you anymore

It's her.. It's God

She get's mad sometimes,

She trust God enough to not forsake her...

Kuala Lumpur
March 7, 2015