Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Wish I didn't feel this way,
But its how I feel,
I see,
I feel,
The lack of joy,
The lack of life,
The lack of love,
The “my way is right” you are “lost”
The conditional love that you have,
The conditional love that you give.

It makes me sick,
I makes me sad,
It makes me angry,
Makes me look at you every morning
with thoughts....
“That;s not me!”
“That's not who I want to be!”
“That's not who I aspire to be!”

I have no real choice in this,
If I want to be the best person and who I need to be.....
Dear God,
I ask you to help me,
Help me out,
Help me get over the hurt,
Let me become …
The daughter,
The sister,
Someone's beautiful,kind, adored , good wife,
Your humble,servant
A great person,

Let me rise,
Let me shine,
The way you meant me to be

Kuala Lumpur
March 26 2014