Sunday, June 24, 2012


I look at you
All I feel is that
Thats not who I wanna be
Almost feel guilty for thinking that
For feeling that,
But thats my truth

I just wish you did not loose the love
the passion
that you did not loose the joy and compassion

Thats not me
Thats not what I want my life to be
Thats not what I want my future to be
Yes its not me
And I am not you

When I look in his eyes
When I am wrapped in his love
When I am wrapped in his arms

I feel the love
I feel the sincerity
I feel safe
I feel joy
I feel happiness
I feel home
I feel God's love and blessings

Endless hope
Endless love
Endless faith and strength
Eternal Gratitude

Kuala Lumpur
June 24, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Love and hope are made of these dreams
Don't you judge
Don't you insult
Don't you put it down

Just because you are cold
Just because you may not have it
Does not make it any less
You just shut the fuck up
Shut the fuck up with your self righteouness

You get mad at me when I tell the truth
Just don't be pointing that finger at me

Kuala Lumpur
June 18, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lost and found

Lost my strength
Lost my faith
Lost my love
Could I ever?
Would I ever?

You gave it back to me
One love
One hug
One kiss
I love you
I got it back for me

Keep that piece of my heart
Just take damn good care of it
As always
You got my heart

Kuala Lumpur
June 11, 2012

NKOTBSB _Jakarta

MAY 31 ,2012

Went to One Utama and met up with Serena there.We caught the 3pm bus to the LCCT Terminal at the airport from there.

The both of us had Sharon on our minds..trying to soak everthing in.. I know I did..Sharon was suppose to go but Sharon's grandma passed away just that previous evening. Lynn another friend was going but not 5* now took over Sharon's spot and got an upgrade.

The got to the airport about 4.30 and had about and hour to hang, so we decided to head to Starbucks. Serena and I made sure at that place that every camera and phone was charged there ;) Not having the “dang my battery is dead “ ;)

Flight did go well all things considered .When we got there Jess was already there..arrived from KK the other side of Malaysia.Lynn managed to book and earlier flight and met us there from Terminal one of the Indonesian airport

Now the posse had got together and arrived

We got into a cab and head on the Mercure Ancol. We got in close to about 2300 hrs (11 pm) Jakarta time. Hotel was lovely. All of us were hungry and was too late and (yes) tired to head out so we ordered room service. (The indonesian Fried rice and that Magherita pizza was delish FYI)

We chatted ..rested...I fell asleep

JUNE 1, 2012

Woke up around 6.30 AM Jakarta time.It was bright and sunny. Can't say that my heart was not beating out of my chest. No one else was up.I decided to just chill relax in a nice bubble bath that really did me good ;)

One by one the girls started to wake up. We got ready and head on downstair for the buffet breakfast.. We had some food but I had a sneaky suspicion everyone could not eat a whole lot. As we were eating breakfast, Louis Armstrong's “ What a wonderful World “ came on” .All of us knew instantly that it is was gonna be a great day :)

“I see friends shaking hands..saying how do you do..They're really saying..I love you”

Breakfst done... we had to take care of a few thing at the reception..and time to get ready...BH Indonesia is having a meet up at the same cafe where t he “VIP's” for the concert were suppose to meet.

We all got dressed up. All of of a sudden my hands were cold and I couldn't tie my scarf properly..I tried ..I had to take myself down a notch and was finally ready. Everyone got into a huddle and prayed. Off we go.......

We took a cab to Kopi Tiam Oey Restaurant   at An col Bay City Mall. We got there and the energy was amazing. Nothing like sistas meeting sistas and bruthas too ;) No one could eat ..just drink. Every was nervous and excited..Some was obviously more nervous than others.

They NKOTBSB individual standee was all over the beach across the cafe. Can we say “photo op “ time?

Helen the rep from VIP Nation came slight pass 3 PM and at the same time our group was already organized .We got our passes and ready to go :)..(Well a lot of us took that t ime to freshen up before headed up the escalator the where the holding area was gonna be.

We are Group D .

The Ultimates went in... then it was our time....

Heart beating that much faster.

Up that escalator to that holding room seem like the longest 5 minutes walk you would ever take “where the hell are they taking us??” ;)...

Group A B C B were lined up there first in front of the meet and greet room. As groups went in you could here screams coming from in there.. ;)

Victor gave us a ground rule reminder ( nice guy)

Right before we went in Helen gave one last round of ground rules reminder.


In I go. We all went on to an real comfy AC room.We had to to put all our belongings on that table. We just bring ourselves in.

One last check and the door is open for Group D

There they were ...Jordan, Donnie, Joe, Danny and Jon

(This is my part of the story)

I was the first in line...there was a loud HEY!! that came from Donnie smiling and looking at me..I said a real quick hey to Jordan, Donnie was right there.. Hey said something like “HEY baby”..We hugged and it was a real long hug... a back rub ..he said “you know I've always loved you”. Good to see you” something to that effect..I had no doubt he knows me. As he was hugging me tightly got a kiss on my cheek me I said “ Babe..your twitter unfollowed me... “ I will follow you again”

Could not forget the other guys. Next , it was Joe...another “HEY!!!! Is this where you are from? “ No Joe,,Its Kuala Lumpur..I flew here for you and it about damn time too right? ” ;) He started laughing On to Danny hug, hey and smile

I started looking around “where the hell is Jon” He smiled said a loud HEY!!ensued and we hugged real tight.

Than it was time for picture taking.

Went straight to Donnie and I was right in front of him..gave me that “choke” ;) we held hands... He did not let go for the second round pic..He switched arms but still hugging me.. he rubbed my hands I rubbed his. I felt a kiss on the top of my head.

Then that was all done..One last hug kiss and as I was leaving I turned back HE screamed at me I Love you “ and “..Ya know I write wanna write you (referring to that twitter thing )

I screamed back :I love you “ ..he said “I love you “

I then preceeded to scream in the middle of the room as I was walking out... “I love you guys too and have a great show” ;) ( I was thinking did not want the rest of the guys to think or feel bad) ;)

That was all in the space of 5 - 7 minutes tops including the picture taking.
They had to get the other groups in right? ;)

Everyone left hat room with a smile and w armth in their heart and some relief and I saw some tears tho not from me ;)

We all gathered at the holding area again...after which were we lead in first into the arena.

We did have to wait for a while for the show to start. The girls and I got our spot on the left side of the stage... slightly before mid way to the “shaft” ;)


The guys sings the opening Donnie spots me..points smiles and blows a kiss.

(that'd be around 6.16)

The whole concert was amazing..... vocally the guys kicked major butt. Nothing to say but the whole thing was AMAZEBALLS..( pushing a nd shoving not so much but..somehow I was not going to let that get to me) ;)

I thought that was gonna be it and things did end on a real sweet note.

During the Encore /Finale they sang and the guys went running around...Donnie went running back to the main stage...all of a sudden he COMES RUNNING BACK TO IN FRONT OF ME..SMILES POINTS WAVES AND BLOWS A KISS before exiting the stage all together.. Serena caught that on video..than I heard 'Zee!!! he came back to say bye to you ..He came back for you”

That was how that concert ended..

We spend few mins inside while the rest of the concert goers left the venue..everyone was stunned at what an amazing had we all had had....

Went back to the hotel.. all in a happy daze really...

Another shocker the M&G pics were already up by the time we came back to the hotel

June 2, 2012

Not until we had a quick walk around t he beach area had “Nasi Padang” for bruch

Got to airport enough time to do last min shopping ,had a drink at Starbucks before being called in to board the plane back to Kuala Lumpur.

Just thank you God
Jakarta..thanks for the memories